Design made



Big Hugh Labs
Dynamic Drive


Hex Chart Rollover Colour Cube
Visual Chart Color Picker Tool





The combinations of red, green and blue can add up nearly seventeen million colours.

Have you ever tried to match a colour? This handy tool from Koy Software gives you the exact html and RGB codes. A perfect match every time.

Zip File for the Colour Selector Tool.


Only 16 'named' colours are supported by the W3C HTML 4.0 standard. In total, there are 140 'named' colours that most browsers will now recognize.

The 16 recognized colours.

aqua black blue fuchsia
grey green lime maroon
navy olive purple red
silver teal white yellow
There are 216 'web safe' colours. By using the HEX code, these colours will appear the same in all browsers.
In the early days of the Web most people used monitors that could only display 256 colours. Statistics now show that the instance of 8-bit monitors has dropped to below 10% of the total Web users. Given that, it would be safe to assume that 90% of your target audience is using equipment that will display any colour you pick.
View the List of the 140 'named' colours.
Visual list of the 140 'named' colours.
Rollover cube for the 216 'web safe' colours.

Calgary, Alberta, Canada


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